Category Archives: Robotics

Machine Learning Technologies for Sustainability in Smart Cities in the Post-COVID Era

hnologies are being used to address environmental, social, and economic challenges in urban areas, aiming to create more resilient and sustainable communities. Machine learning is being utilized to optimize energy management in smart cities by analyzing data from sensors and

Applications and Challenges in Leveraging Artificial Intelligence in Smart Cities

 Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the way cities operate, making them smarter, more efficient, and more sustainable. By leveraging data and advanced algorithms, AI can help city governments and organizations optimize services, improve public safety, and enhance

Advanced Smart Home Composition

Smart home has three components: hardware, software, and communication protocols. It has a wide variety of applications for the digital consumer. Some of the areas of home automation led IoT enabled connectivity, such as: lighting control, gardening, safety and security,

Home Automation Systems: Scientific Diagram

The Home Automation Architectural System consists of two major parts: the internal system on the left, and external entities (services, context sensors, users via user interfaces) on the right. All communication passes through the Communications Manager. It communicates with all

How AI and Robotics is used in Smart City Strategies and Smart Development Plan?

Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics have become integral components of smart city strategies and plans worldwide. These technologies offer innovative solutions for various urban challenges, from improving traffic management to enhancing public safety and security. By using AI and robotics,

Gateway Data Processing: Smart Home Gateway Network

Data generated from heterogeneous IoT devices in the smart home is transmitted to the smart home gateway consisting of various sizes and data types. The smart home gateway of the proposed architecture needs to accurately control IoT and process data

Artificial Intelligence: Transforming the Aviation Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming the aviation industry in numerous ways. The integration of AI into aviation has resulted in the creation of smart systems that are capable of analyzing vast amounts of data and making intelligent decisions. Here are

Architectural Structure of Drones

Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), have revolutionized the way we see the world from above. Their architecture and design have evolved greatly over the years, allowing for greater versatility and efficiency in their use. The basic architecture